Spinal trauma is any injury to the bones, ligaments, and/or muscles of the spine. Spinal trauma may occur following a low impact injury (e.g., fall from standing) or a high energy accident (e.g., motor vehicle accident or a fall from height). As can occur in other parts of the body, spinal trauma may result in minor injuries such as a muscle strain or a ligament sprain. However, spinal trauma may also lead to more significant injuries such as fractures or dislocations of the spinal bones (vertebrae).
Sometimes, injuries can heal by using anti-inflammatory and/or pain medications, limiting or restricting activity, or wearing a brace. Physical therapy, stretching or special exercises may be required after injuries have fully healed. Surgery may be considered for those who have unstable injuries, post-injury malalignment of the spine, significant or progressive neurological symptoms, or pain that cannot be controlled with non-surgical treatments.